Statutory Obligations for the month of November 2011

The following are the Various Statutory Obligations for the month of November 2011.

Payment of Service Tax

The last date for Payment of Service tax for the month of October is 5th of November 2011. (Applicable only for assessees OTHER THAN Individual, Proprietorship & Partnership firm) In case of e-payment, the due date is 6th of November 2011.

In case of payment by Challan GAR 7, click here to download the Challan

In case of e-payment of Service Tax, Click here to make the payment online.

Remittance of Tax Deduction at source

The due date for remitting Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on Salary & Non-salary payments during the month of October  2011 is 7th of November  2011.

Click here to pay the TDS online.

Monthly Return and Payment of Tax under TNVAT

The monthly returns filing and the payment of TNVAT has to be complied on or before 20th of November for the month of October.

 Filing of Annual Return of Companies with Registrar of Companies

Form 20B  in respect  Private & Public limited Companies shall be filed within 6o days from the date of Annual General Meeting (AGM). Typically, for a Company which has held its AGM on 30th September, the above forms shall be filed on or before 30th of November 2011.

Submission of Copy of Declarations for Non Deduction of TDS (Form 15G & Form 15H)

The forms 15G / 15H obtained from deductees by the deductors for Non deduction of TDS u/s. 197A shall be filed before the Chief Commissioner of Income-tax on or before 7th of November 2011.



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