Follow the below mentioned procedures to make Self Assessment Tax payment for FY 2022-23 (AY 2023-24)
1. Go to the Below Link –
2. Click e-Pay Tax

3. Provide Pan/Tan and Mobile Number

4. Enter the received OTP

5. Click Proceed under Income Tax

6. Provide your Pan/Tan and Name

7. Select 2023-24 under Assessment Year & Self Assessment Tax (300) under Tax Payment (Minor Head)

8.Enter the Taxable amount in the Tax column.

9. Select the payment method, Make Payment and Save the Challan.

If you don’t find your bank account in the Netbanking Tab, you can go to “Payment Gateway” tab and select any payment gateway of your choice and make the payment from there.

After making the Payment,ensure you download the Challan and save/share it to us for our records.
You can find a video with step by step instruction in the below link