Waiver of additional fees by ROC

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) portal for down for updation during the period from 25th March 2016 to 27th March 2016. The portal resumed operations from 28th March 2016 onwards. However, there were many issues faced by the stakeholders while filing the forms and they are being sorted out now by the Ministry.

In view of the above, the MCA has decided to waive the additional fees in respect of forms due for filing between 25th March 2016 to 30th April 2106. All forms falling due during these dates need not pay any additional fees. However if these forms are filed after 10th May 2016, this relaxation is not applicable.

The relevant circular is provided below :-

[gview file=”http://bssridhar.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/General_circular_13042016.pdf”]


Source :www.mca.gov.in