The following are the Various Statutory Obligations for the month of July 2014.
Payment of Service Tax
The last date for Payment of Service tax pertaining to the month of June 2014 (Corporate Assessees) , Apr-June 2014 (For other assessees) is 5th of July 2014. In case of e-payment, the due date is 6th of July 2014.
In case of payment by Challan GAR 7, click here to download the Challan
In case of e-payment of Service Tax, Click here to make the payment online.
Remittance of Tax Deduction at source
The due date for remitting Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on Salary & Non-salary payments during the month of June 2014 is 7th of July 2014.
Click here to pay the TDS online.
Quarterly return in respect of Tax Deducted at Source for the Quarter 1 (2014-15)
The Quarterly Return in respect of Tax Deducted at Source in respect of Salaries / Non-Salary Payments has to be filed on or before 15th of July 2014.
Monthly Return and Payment of Tax under TNVAT
The monthly returns filing and the payment of TNVAT has to be complied on or before 20th of July for the month of June 2014.
Filing of Income tax return for Salaried / Non Audit Business & Other assessees
The Last date for filing of Income-tax Returns is 31st July 2014 in respect of the following assessees :-
1) Salaried Employees
2) Business Cases where the Turnover does not exceed Rs. 1 Crore and not required to get their accounts audited.
3) Other Assessees.
Click here to send your enquiries/suggestions , if any.