Registration of Trusts and Charitable Organisations under Section 12AA and 80G
If you intend to do Charitable activity for the benefit of General Public, one of the simplest and easy way of doing the same is through a Charitable Trust.
The main activity of most of the Charitable Trusts will be , help to the needy and poor by way of providing food,shelter,education,support,etc.,
Such entities should necessarily have their Incorporation/formation document to be drafted in a way that the Trust is recognised and registered under Section 12AA of the Income-tax Act.
Apart from the above, trusts which are already registered under 12AA of the Income-tax act to mandatorily follow certain regulations in order to get the exemption under Section 12AA of the Income-tax Act.
We provide the service of drafting the Trust Deed for incorporation of the trust to enable the Trust to get an exemption under section 12AA. Also we can register your trust under Section 12AA.
You can contact us for Registration of Trusts and Charitable Organisations under Section 12AA and 80G.
Another important registration required for a Charitable Trust is Registration under section 80G. This registration will enable the donors to claim deduction under Section 80G of the Income-tax Act while filing their return of Income.
We can also provide services of obtaining Registration under Section 80G of the Income-tax act for Charitable trusts.
Apart from the above from the financial year 2021-22 onwards, every trust registered under 80G of the Income tax act has to file the following forms :-
1) Form 10BD – Statement of particulars to be filed by reporting person under clause (viii) of sub-section (5) of section 80G and clause (i) to
sub-section (1A) of section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961
This form will contain the complete KYC information , amount and mode of donations received by an entity registered under 80G of the Income-tax Act. This statement has to be filed by every trust registered under 80G of the Income-tax act, every year , on or before 31st May for the previous financial year. For example, for the year 2021-22, the same has to be filed on or before 31st May 2022. Default in filing the same will result in a penalty of Rs. 200/- per day.
2) Form 10BE – Certificate of donation under clause (ix) of sub-section (5) of section 80G and under clause (ii) to sub-section (1A) of section 35 of the
Income-tax Act, 1961
This is the format of the certificate to be issued to every donor by the trust registered under Section 80G or or before 31st May of every year in respect of the donations received during the previous financial year.
We can provide filing services of Form 10BD & 10BE.
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